Top Tips from Website Builder Experts for Creating Your Perfect Site

Experts giving tips for creating a perfect website

Creating a website can be tricky, even with the best tools. But don't worry, we've got expert tips to help you make a great site. Follow these simple steps to build the website you've always wanted.

Key Takeaways

  • Keep your design simple and avoid clutter.
  • Plan your site layout before you start building.
  • Use images of people to make your site more relatable.
  • Make sure your navigation menus are easy to understand.
  • Highlight what makes your site special.

Go for Simplicity Where Possible

When it comes to web design, less is more. A simple, clean design helps visitors focus on what really matters. Overly complex websites can turn off visitors, making them less likely to take the actions you want.

To keep your site user-friendly, consider these tips:

  • Remove unnecessary elements that don't serve a purpose.
  • Use a minimalistic design to make navigation easier.
  • Focus on essential features that help users complete their tasks.
A straightforward design not only looks good but also improves usability. Remember, simplicity is your best friend in web design.

Take Time Planning Your Site

When it comes to building a website, don't rush the planning process. Sit down with a pen and paper and sketch out a rough plan before you start. This might seem like a waste of time, but even a little planning can save you hours later. It's much easier to build your site if you know what it will look like.

Think of it like building a house: it will take longer, cost more, and involve more experts than you think. But, like a house, your website needs a good foundation. Doing it right the first time will save you many headaches down the line.

  • Visualize the pages that will appear on your site and how they will link to each other.
  • Know how many pages will be on your website, their content, and the general layout.
Planning your site well is one of the top factors to consider when choosing a website design service. Make informed decisions for your business growth.

Use Pictures of People

For some reason, people are naturally drawn to faces. Adding pictures of people—like you or your team—on your website helps visitors connect more easily, making them more likely to become customers.

A well-known study by Basecamp showed that adding faces and testimonials to landing pages can greatly increase your conversion rate. It adds a personal touch, which is often missing in today's digital world.

However, it's more effective to use images of you and your team in action. Stock photos of random people can look fake and won't build trust with your visitors.

Quality images are a must for a professional brand image. Hire a pro for photography or buy quality stock photos that match your business's feel if you don't need shots of your actual location or products. All images on your site should be high quality and high resolution. Use your sitemap to list all the photos you need (location, products, staff, etc.) and gather them before you start building your site.

Use Clear Navigation Menus

Ensuring your website is easy to navigate is a crucial design consideration. If your navigation menus are poorly designed or confusing, you will find that a lot of people leave your site after only a short time browsing. A few of the things you can do to streamline navigation include:

  • Make sure the navigation menu is easy to find on desktop and mobile, not overly detailed, and clean. A clear, concise navigation menu helps users quickly locate their area of interest and follow it. And it helps the designer create a design that guides users along a desired journey.

Use these seven best practices for great navigability:

  • Use menu categories, and simple, descriptive menu names that are relevant to your website

Highlight Your Speciality

To make your website stand out, it's crucial to highlight your specialty. Start by identifying what you plan to specialize in. Think about the brand image you want to create and the specific areas you want to focus on. Are there particular products or services you will offer? Once you have a clear idea, build your website around these elements.

Make sure these focal points are prominently displayed on your site. Your design should draw visitors' attention to them, making it clear what sets you apart. This approach not only showcases your unique skills and interests but also helps in aligning your web design with your business goals.

A well-highlighted specialty can elevate your online presence, making your site more attractive to potential customers.

For those new to website building, consider exploring top website services: elevate your online presence with the best solutions. This can help you create a visually stunning and user-friendly website that truly reflects your specialty.

Allow Users to Scroll Rather Than Click to New Pages

When designing your website, it's important to make it easy for users to find what they need. Allowing users to scroll instead of clicking through multiple pages can make your site more user-friendly. This approach keeps visitors engaged and reduces the chances of them leaving your site.

A case study from a top website builder showed that people are more likely to keep scrolling than to click to a new page. This means they are more likely to see more of your content and stay longer on your site.

To make scrolling easier, consider adding vertical navigation options. For example, you can use an anchor menu that lets users jump to different sections of the page with one click. Another helpful feature is a 'Back to Top' button, which allows users to quickly return to the top of the page.

Making your site easy to navigate can help keep visitors on your site longer and improve their overall experience.

Ensure Your Site is as Fast as Possible

Site speed is one of the most important technical things to consider. Research shows that sites that are slow to load will, on average, have a higher bounce rate, lower conversion rate, and worse search engine ranking than their faster competitors.

There are numerous ways to ensure your page load speeds are as fast as possible. Here are some of the most important:

  • Ensure your code is clean and well written.
  • Compress images and other media.
  • Use a content delivery network (CDN) such as Cloudflare.
  • Add some sort of caching system.
  • Remove redirects.
  • Use a faster server.

Maintain a Focus on High-Quality Written Content

A lot of people creating their first website don't understand how important good subheadings, headings, and page titles are. Most visitors will scan instead of reading everything. Because of this, simplicity and clear structure are key.

Always have a clear heading at the top of every page so visitors know what they're looking at. Creative phrasing is fine, but make sure the message is clear. This is especially important for content that appears above the fold, the invisible line on a page that divides what you see first from what you have to scroll to see.

Keep the most important information and key messaging above the fold. More details can go below the fold, but keep the design clean and uncluttered.

Here are some tips to help you:

  • Keep important content above the fold: Visitors should understand what your website is all about as soon as possible, without having to scroll or click anywhere.
  • Space out your content: Use whitespace between elements. By leaving some areas blank, you'll give the design a more spacious, well-balanced feel. Write in bite-sized, easy-to-read paragraphs.

Stand Out from the Crowd

To make your website memorable, you need to add a touch of creativity and boldness. While it's important to follow basic web design rules, adding your own unique style can make a big difference. Personalized flair can set your site apart from others.

Break up your content to keep it engaging. Use images and other media to split long sections of text. Make sure your font is large enough and use short paragraphs of 3 to 4 lines. Descriptive subheadings can help introduce new ideas clearly.

By creating a clear, personalized brand and site, you make your business more recognizable. People will remember your name and the services you offer, helping your business grow.

Take Advantage of “Loss Aversion”

It's human nature to be scared of missing out on something. The pain of missing something is often much greater than the happiness that comes if you get it. By leveraging this through something called loss aversion, you should be able to boost your conversion rates exponentially.

Basically, you need to give the impression that your product or service is scarce, and that it could sell out. Outline the issues someone could experience if they don’t use your products, and place an emphasis on the gains that could be enjoyed.

People naturally hate losing more than they love winning. This is called loss aversion, and you can use it to your advantage. By showing potential customers what they might miss out on, you can encourage them to take action. Don't let your business miss out on this powerful strategy. Visit our website to learn more about how we can help you leverage loss aversion to boost your sales.


Creating the perfect website doesn't have to be a daunting task. By following these expert tips, you can build a site that is not only visually appealing but also user-friendly and effective. Remember to keep things simple, plan carefully, and use high-quality images and content. Make sure your site is easy to navigate and fast to load. Stand out by highlighting what makes you unique and take advantage of psychological principles like loss aversion. With these strategies, you'll be well on your way to creating a website that truly shines.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I keep my website simple?

A simple website is easier for visitors to navigate and understand. It helps them find what they're looking for quickly, which makes them more likely to stay longer and come back.

How important is planning before building a website?

Planning is crucial because it helps you map out what you want your site to achieve. It saves time and effort in the long run by preventing unnecessary changes.

Why use pictures of people on my website?

Photos of people can make your website feel more personal and relatable. They help build trust and make visitors feel more connected to your brand.

What makes clear navigation menus important?

Clear navigation menus help visitors find what they need without getting frustrated. Good navigation improves the overall user experience and keeps people on your site longer.

Why should I focus on high-quality written content?

High-quality content engages visitors and keeps them coming back. It also helps with search engine rankings, making your site easier to find.

What is 'loss aversion' and how can it help my website?

Loss aversion is a psychological principle where people prefer avoiding losses to acquiring gains. By highlighting what visitors might miss out on, you can encourage them to take action, like signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase.


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